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Friday, November 27, 2009


Toady holiday... hari raya... haix.. dad say still wan go open shop.. haix..
Morning i wake up at 10.30 xD cz yesterday see k.o. 3an guo till 3am xD
we go eat at kk XIAO LONG PAO YEAH!!! lolx... haha 1st time go eat [don laught me ya]
we see the menu Walao so delicious i jz order hee i challenge my bro v the spicy la mian, who noe... my one most spicy SO DAMM HOT!!!! but the price more hot wao... but delicious ok liao xP i cant tahan the spicy dao cant finish the mee lolx...
then dad say go shopping yeah!!!! no nid go shop!!!
we go ct mall but go there donno do wat rite? me n bro go play daytona WAO... SYok dao xD
play basketball buy new sock then back home...
i wn back home play dota but nid potong rumput
nth can do lo... bath...
after bath grandmother here?!?! i was shock!!! so suddenly==
cheh... jz come gv the fruit and some food haha
after that , we go out eat, i thought jz go some where else who noe... THEY GO 1B!!!!
they don tell me ==
me wearing some home shirt go there , == no mood terus haiz...
nth can do lo jz follow oni haiz...
we go fish and co eat 1st time oso ^-^ but... so exepensive wao...
but full dao the stomach wan blast off d xD
back home see tv "raise to the witch mountain " then slp haha
erm... nth can rite d xD
havea nic3 day^-^